The Best Fidelity Gold Funds

Investing in gold has always been a popular strategy for diversifying one’s portfolio and hedging against economic uncertainties. As one of the leading investment management companies, Fidelity offers a range of gold funds that cater to different investment goals and risk tolerances. In this article, we will delve into the world of Fidelity gold funds, analyzing their performance, strategies, and suitability for investors.

Understanding Gold Funds and Their Importance

Gold funds, also known as precious metal funds, offer investors exposure to the price movements of gold without requiring them to physically own the metal. These funds pool money from multiple investors to invest in various gold-related assets, including gold mining stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) backed by physical gold, and other derivatives.

Investors often turn to gold funds for several reasons:

  1. Diversification: Gold has historically exhibited low correlation with traditional asset classes like stocks and bonds, making it a valuable diversification tool.
  2. Safe Haven: During times of economic uncertainty or market volatility, gold is often considered a safe-haven asset that can preserve wealth.
  3. Inflation Hedge: Gold’s value can rise during periods of inflation, making it an effective hedge against eroding purchasing power.
  4. Global Demand: Gold’s demand is not solely tied to one country’s economic conditions, which can provide a level of stability in a globalized investment landscape.

Top Fidelity Gold Funds

Fidelity offers several gold-focused funds that cater to varying investment styles and objectives. Some of the standout options include:

  1. Fidelity Select Gold Portfolio (FSAGX): This actively managed fund primarily invests in companies engaged in gold-related activities, including mining, processing, and distribution. The fund aims to provide long-term capital appreciation by selecting companies with strong growth potential. It’s important to note that active management introduces higher fees and the potential for manager performance to impact returns.
  2. Fidelity Select Gold Precious Metals & Minerals Portfolio (FSAGX): Similar to FSAGX, this fund focuses on companies involved in gold and other precious metals. It takes a broader approach by including exposure to other metals like silver and platinum. This diversification can potentially reduce the fund’s sensitivity to gold price fluctuations.
  3. Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund (FFGCX): While not exclusively a gold fund, this option provides exposure to various commodities, including gold. It invests in stocks of companies engaged in commodity-related industries. This fund offers a more diversified approach to commodities, which might be appealing to investors looking for broader exposure.
  4. Fidelity Real Gold Fund (FGLDX): This fund invests in a mix of gold bullion, coins, and other securities, aiming to closely track the performance of gold. It’s structured as a passively managed fund, meaning it seeks to mirror the performance of an underlying index or asset class, typically at a lower cost compared to actively managed funds.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Fidelity Gold Fund

  1. Investment Objective: Determine whether you seek exposure solely to gold or prefer a broader approach that includes other precious metals or commodities.
  2. Risk Tolerance: Consider your risk tolerance and how sensitive you are to fluctuations in the price of gold. Active funds might exhibit more volatility compared to passively managed ones.
  3. Management Style: Decide between active and passive management. Active funds have the potential for higher returns but might come with higher fees. Passive funds aim to closely replicate the performance of a benchmark.
  4. Fees and Expenses: Understand the fund’s expense ratio and any other fees associated with investing. Lower fees can have a significant impact on long-term returns.
  5. Historical Performance: While past performance doesn’t guarantee future results, reviewing a fund’s historical performance can offer insights into how it has navigated different market conditions.
  6. Diversification: Consider whether you want exposure solely to gold-related activities or if you’re interested in a fund with broader commodity exposure.


Selecting the best Fidelity gold fund depends on your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and preferred management style. Each of the mentioned funds offers a unique approach to investing in gold, ranging from active management to passively tracking the performance of the metal. Thoroughly research each fund, consider your investment goals, and consult with a financial advisor to make an informed decision that aligns with your overall portfolio strategy. Remember that while gold can play a valuable role in diversification and risk management, it’s important to maintain a well-rounded and balanced investment approach.